Dilly Rice with Spinach
Made rice (2 cups dry, but I planned to have leftovers/extra.. what was needed for this recipe was about 1/2 c dry) (a combination of brown rice and wild rice) in rice cooker. Sauteed 1/2 a diced onion although next time I think I'll make it a whole onion). When rice was done cooking and still warm, I tossed it with 3 T chopped fresh dill and 2 cups of chopped fresh spinach and the sauteed onion. The heat from the rice wilted the spinach nicely and the rest of the flavors came together by sitting together for 5-10 minutes. I also added 3 T olive oil, juice of 1/2 lemon and salt and pepper to taste. Made a yummy, warm rice salad. Packs well in a lunch with a little extra vinaigrette as a cold rice salad too.
Greek Picnic Pie (adapted from The Complete Book of Greek Cooking) (can also make this with eggplant instead of zucchini)
2 medium zucchini
1 cup cooked rice (I used a mixture of brown rice and wild rice for a substantial, nutty flavor)
1 frozen pie crust (I used a whole wheat, all natural, no lard havin' bugger)
1 onion, chopped
1 garlic clove, crushed
5 oz. fresh spinach
3-4 T fresh basil
4 eggs
3 oz. feta cheese (I used a variety that was already trumped up with herbs)
2 T olive oil
salt and pepper
Preheat oven to 350. Roast slices of zucchini on oiled (1 T olive oil) cookie sheets for about 15 minutes on each side, or until brown. Saute garlic and onion in 1 T olive oil. Finely chop fresh spinach and basil. Combine in a bowl with garlic, onion, feta cheese, eggs (beaten), salt and pepper. (The orig recipe called for milk and yogurt, but I forgot to add them and it still turned out good, though more vegetal than creamy.)
Line the bottom of the frozen pie crust with about a cup of cooked rice. Then form another layer with the spinach and egg mixture. This should fill the pie crust to the brim. Top with a layer of roasted zucchini and bake for 30-40 minutes.
The other thing is just roasted asparagus... only not just. It's their time, after all. Roasted asparagus was the catalyst, actually, of my kitchen esprit that has gotten a little out of control since last summer. Just oil em up, throw a lemon's worth of juice over them and flip them around occasionally in a 400 degree oven. They take between 25 and 30 minutes.
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